nspired by the BBC Ballads of the 1950s by Ewan McColl and Charles Parker which revolutionized the concept of musical documentary on radio, Future Folk Stories immerses the listener in a live performance of a radio documantary mixing pre-recorded songs and texts, acoustic instruments and concrete sounds, electroacoustics and the evocative force of the voice in multiple forms - sung, spoken, chanted...
A unique combination of strong musical personalities, involving Robin Fincker, Mathieu Werchowski and Fabien Duscombs from the group Bedmakers to which are added the electroacoustic bassist with a thousand timbres Fanny Lasfargues and the vocal performer Natacha Muslera, whose live voice mixes with others, recorded during the group's wanderings. Amateur choir, friends' voices or fresh encounters, Future Folk Stories builds an original sound bank, made up of fragments of melodies, extracts of texts and recorded interviews relating to the questions of the individual relationship to folklore and projections of what could to be our traditional music of the future.
This sound material, re-worked live by Mathieu Werchowski, increases the possible interactions and multiplies the interlocutors within the group. Songs are cut-up then reassembled in disorder, spoken phrases serving as switches triggering multiple improvisations, diverted Anglo-Saxon refrains, traditional anthems composed in the moment and played on “field-recording” broadcasts make up this new directory. The quintet thus outlines the fleeting contours of a character which would be none other than folk music “in person” in the multiplicity of its representations and its roles; both current and anachronistic, obsolete and by nature perpetually renewed.
Future Folk Stories seeks to question a certain relationship to time, resolutely non-linear by bringing together centuries-old melodies with free improvisation, in an electro-acoustic device where the voice and its different avatars take a central role.
A Freddy Morezon production, in co-production with Banlieues Bleues, in partnership with GMEM. With the support of the Drac and the Occitanie Region, the CNV, the CNM, the SPEDIDAM and Diaphonique, a Franco-British fund for contemporary music in partnership with the SACEM, the Friends of the French Institute of the United Kingdom, the British Council, the Ministry of Culture, the French Institute, the French Institute of the United Kingdom, Le Bureau Export and the Salabert Foundation. With the participation of éOle – musical creation studio.
Robin Fincker : saxophone ténor / clarinette
Mathieu Werchowski : violon / machines
Natacha Muslera : voix / radio ondes-courtes
Fanny Lasfargues : basse électroacoustique
Fabien Duscombs : batterie
Anaêlle Marsollier : sonorisation